People who decide to break the law are generally liable for their own choices. However, not everyone willing to break the law can offset the consequences of their choices. People who drive after drinking are legally liable if they cause crashes because of their...

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Tireless Pursuit Of Justice.
Drunk Driver Accidents/Dram Shop Liability
Contributing factors to trucking accidents in Georgia
Trucking accidents are a significant concern on Atlanta roads, mainly because of the state's extensive highway system and the many commercial vehicles that transverse it daily. Many of these tragic accidents lead to severe injuries and can be life-altering for the...
3 reasons bar and restaurant workers may need to cut off a customer
Sometimes, the workers at bars, restaurants and other businesses licensed to dispense alcohol make mistakes. They violate liquor laws and open their employers up to legal and financial liability. Liquor laws in Georgia prohibit vending alcohol to someone already...
3 options for covering drunk driving crash costs in Georgia
Drunk driving collisions are notorious for being some of the worst crashes that occur on U.S. roads. Those operating vehicles while under the influence of alcohol often behave in erratic ways that other drivers can't predict. They may also drive at very dangerous...
What are dram shop laws?
Drunk driving accidents claim thousands of lives around the country each year. The victims of drunk drivers can seek compensation by filing personal injury lawsuits against the reckless motorists who injure them, and they may also be able to sue the bars, restaurants...